5–7 Nov 2020
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Superconductivity: a new dimension in 2D systems

6 Nov 2020, 12:00
Online (Universität Hamburg)


Universität Hamburg


Chithra Harihara Sharma (Universität Hamburg)


By virtue of its inherent two-dimensional (2D) nature van der Waals (vW) materials offer a robust and easily realizable platform for future technological applications. Superconductivity is one among the various quantum phenomena that these systems have exhibited. Among vW systems NbSe2 is inherently superconducting and semiconducting systems such as MoS2, WSe2 etc has shown superconductivity when increasing the carrier concentration. One of the polymorphic phases of MoS2, the metallic 1T phase also showed superconductivity. Electrical characterization on the few-layer 1T MoS2 sample owing to its high carrier density also reveals transition to a 2D superconducting phase with characteristic Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition (BKT) phase transition and anisotropy in the magneto-transport with respect to field directions below 1 K. The features of superconductivity in 2D will be discussed stressing on 1T MoS2. Interesting features such as Ising superconductivity and Bose metal phase observed in some of these systems will also be touched upon.

Primary author

Chithra Harihara Sharma (Universität Hamburg)


Dr Madhu Thalakulam (School of Physics,IISER TVM) Prof. Robert Blick (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg)

Presentation materials