5–7 Nov 2020
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Strain engineering in two-dimensional materials

7 Nov 2020, 14:00
Poster Postersession


Jana Meyer (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg)


Two-dimensional (2D) carrier systems in semiconductors are popular in industrial device applications as well as in fundamental research to study quantum effects at low temperatures. The advent of van-der-Waals (vdW) materials, i.e., 2D materials that can be separated into individual atomic layers by breaking the vdW-bonds, are promising candidates towards using mechanical methods to control the electronic properties.

Elastic strain applied to a 2D material directly affects the atomic lattice of a material by changing the distance of the chemical bonds and the lattice symmetry. Different approaches can be used to introduce strain to a 2D vdW system. These approaches can be divided into two main categories: The first category is using a static strain induced through a patterned substrate, for example. A more advantageous approach, however, is continuously modifying the strain during the measurement, e.g. through the deformation of a substrate in situ.

I will present and introduce possible methods to induce strain and show preliminary measurements on graphene.

Primary author

Jana Meyer (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg)


Jan Leonard Riemann (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg) Lars Tiemann (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg) Prof. Robert Blick (Center for Hybrid Nanostructures, Universität Hamburg)

Presentation materials