9–15 Sept 2023
Hotel Eden Roc
Europe/Berlin timezone

Microwave-shielding and cooling of ultracold dipolar NaCs molecules

11 Sept 2023, 11:50
Hotel Eden Roc

Hotel Eden Roc

Punta Port Salvi, s/n 17220 Sant Feliu de Guíxols Costa Brava, Girona España
Talk Long-range Interactions and Rydberg Systems Ultracold Molecules


Sebastian Will (Columbia University)


We have recently demonstrated microwave shielding and evaporative cooling for bosonic NaCs ground state molecules [1,2]. Dressing the molecules with a circularly polarized microwave field, we observe a suppression of inelastic loss by a factor of 200 and reach lifetimes of 1 second in dense molecular ensembles. We have demonstrated evaporative cooling for bosonic molecules and reached a phase-space density of 0.1 on the verge of BEC [3].

I will share our latest insights on the collisional properties of this strongly dipolar system and report on the current status of cooling. NaCs offers exciting scientific prospects for many-body physics both in the classical and the quantum regime.

[1] Warner, et al., Overlapping Bose-Einstein condensates of Na and Cs, PRA 104, 033302 (2021)
[2] Stevenson, et al., Ultracold gas of dipolar NaCs ground state molecules, PRL 130, 113003 (2023)
[3] Bigagli, et al., Collisionally stable gas of bosonic dipolar ground state molecules, arXiv:2303.16845 (2023)

Primary author

Sebastian Will (Columbia University)


Dr Ian Stevenson (Columbia University) Mr Niccolo Bigagli (Columbia University) Mrs Claire Warner (Columbia University) Mr Weijun Yuan (Columbia University) Mr Siwei Zhang (Columbia University)

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