14th International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction, Measurements and Searches in HEP

Von-Melle-Park 8, Anna-Siemsen-Hörsaal (Hamburg)

Von-Melle-Park 8, Anna-Siemsen-Hörsaal


Anna-Siemsen-Hörsaal Von-Melle-Park 8 20146 Hamburg

BOOST 2022 is the fourteenth conference of a series of successful joint theory/experiment workshops that bring together the world's leading experts from theory and LHC experiments. Our aim are lively discussions about the latest progress in this field and the exchange of expertise to generate new ideas, in order develop new approaches on the reconstruction and use of boosted decay topologies in particle physics and beyond.

This year is hosted by the University of Hamburg, Germany. We plan for the conference to be in person.

The conference will cover the following topics:

  • Phenomenology and searches using jet substructure
  • New jet substructure observables and algorithms
  • QCD measurements and modeling
  • Jet reconstruction performance
  • Machine learning
  • Pileup mitigation
  • Heavy-ion collisions
  • Future colliders

The full scientific program, abstract submission and registration can be found at https://indico.cern.ch/e/BOOST2022

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