5–7 Nov 2020
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

A black hole as big as the universe?

6 Nov 2020, 09:30
Online (Universität Hamburg)


Universität Hamburg


Betti Hartmann (Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) & Universität Oldenburg)


In this talk, I will discuss black hole solutions that evade the famous "No hair"
theorem and carry - next to mass and charge - additional features on their
horizon in the form of scalar fields. Interestingly, when considering the strong gravity regime, these black holes look as if they were inflating. This leaves the possible
interpretation of a black hole having formed in the early universe that has expanded
to large sizes during the inflationary epoch.

Primary author

Betti Hartmann (Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) & Universität Oldenburg)


Prof. Yves Brihaye (Université de Mons, Belgium)

Presentation materials