Characterization of Few-femtosecond Near-infrared Pulses using Machine Learning approach

19 Sept 2022, 10:30
Seminarraum 1-3 (CFEL (Building 99))

Seminarraum 1-3

CFEL (Building 99)

Luruper Chaussee 149 22761 Hamburg Germany
Contributed Talk (15 min) Optimization and Control Optimization and Control


Daria Kolbasova (CFEL DESY, Department of Physics UHH)


The analysis of the absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation is a powerful method for exploring the quantum world of atoms and molecules. The ability to use well-defined laser pulses provides an opportunity to study the underlying structure and mechanisms of these microscopic systems with a very high resolution. A large number of techniques developed up to date for the characterization of laser pulse rely on dedicated optical setups and, consequently, are commonly employed in ex-situ measurements, i.e., far from the light-target interaction. Such implementations can give rise to inaccuracies in estimating the in-situ properties of ultrashort laser pulses; thus, direct in-situ characterization methods are desirable.
In our work we theoretically investigate the in-situ characterization of few-femtosecond near-infrared laser pulses through strong-field-ionization driven autocorrelation using machine learning approach. The process of ionization by a strong field is nonperturbative and nonlinear, and thus it cannot be represented by a simple analytical autocorrelation function of the field. In this context, we employ first-principles quantum-mechanical calculations to model the strong-field ionization of rare gas atoms and produce autocorrelation patterns for a range of laser parameters. Then, in order to retrieve the properties of the laser field driving the ionization, such patterns are used as a database for a machine learning algorithm. In our work we compare two approaches: the one based on the Random Forest algorithm and the one utilizing our novel machine-learning-based algorithm. We demonstrate that the combination of first-principles calculations and machine-learning method allows for the retrieval of key parameters of the laser, such as pulse duration and bandwidth as a promising way for the in-situ characterization of ultrashort low-frequency laser pulses.

Primary author

Daria Kolbasova (CFEL DESY, Department of Physics UHH)


Andrea Trabattoni (CFEL DESY; Institute of Quantum Optics, Leibniz University Hannover, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany) Prof. Francesca Calegari (CFEL DESY, Department of Physics UHH) Otfried Geffert (CFEL DESY) Prof. Robin Santra (CFEL DESY, Department of Physics UHH)

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