Out of bounds? Are German Higher Education Institutions Crossing Redlines in Cooperation with China?

In today’s increasingly heated debate on German-Chinese relations, research collaboration has become increasingly complex. The need and desire to exchange ideas, conduct innovative research, and contribute to academic excellence co-exist with risks of dual use, unintentional knowledge drain, and political interference, thus resulting in demands on higher education institutions to implement compliance measures, follow export control regulations, and increase their China competence. 

In January 2023, Jeffrey Stoff and the Center for Research Security & Integrity published the widely received study “Should Democracies Draw Redlines around Research Collaboration with China?  A Case Study of Germany.” The study analyzes German-Chinese co-publications in MINT/STEM-subjects and highlights the risks of collaboration with Chinese higher education institutions with close ties to the military. 

In this panel discussion we bring Jeffrey Stoff together with representatives of the city of Hamburg, the leadership of Universität Hamburg, and members of the science community to discuss opportunities and risks of collaborating with Chinese partners including the question of redlines. 



Jeffrey Stoff - Director and President of Center for Research Security & Integrity (CRSI)


Panel Discussion

Katharina Fegebank – Deputy Mayor of the Free and Hanseatic City Hamburg and Minister of Science, Research, Equality and Districts (BWFGB)

Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren – President, Universität Hamburg

Jeffrey Stoff – Director, CRSI

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Parak – Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics, Universität Hamburg 

Moderation: Dr. Almuth Wietholtz-Eisert – Leibniz Association, Berlin


Friday, 2 June 2023

14:45 – 16:00 / 2:45pm – 4:00pm, on-site event

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, East Annex, room 221 (Universität Hamburg)


Disclaimer: The trip of J. Stoff to Germany is funded and organized by the State Department and the Embassy of the United States of America.



Edmund-Siemers-Alllee 1, Ost
ESA 1 Ost, Raum 221
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 East Annex Room 221 20146 Hamburg
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