Oct 7 – 11, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

The autumn school on "Quantum Integrable Models" organized by the CRC 1624 "Higher structures, moduli spaces, and integrability" in Hamburg will offer pedagogical introductions into a selection of the most important methods for the solution of quantum integrable models, and some modern applications. The topics will include the Bethe Ansatz, the Separation of Variables Method, the theory of Isomonodromic Tau-functions, integrable many-particle models, and some of the relations between integrable models and supersymmetric quantum field theories. The school is mainly aimed at advanced MSc students, PhD students, and postdocs. The lectures on the topics above will be accompanied by exercise classes. 

The speakers and titles are:

  • Gleb Arutyunov: "Incarnations of the Bethe Ansatz"
  • Oleg Lisovyy: "Isomonodromic tau functions from Riemann-Hilbert approach and CFT"
  • Elli Pomoni: "Introduction to Seiberg-Witten theory"
  • Didina Serban: "Long-range integrable models"
  • Jörg Teschner: "Introduction to the quantum Separation of Variables method"


We have some funds to offer partial financial support to some participants. You can apply for support upon registration. In this case, please register before Sept 1 before Sept 8

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg

Organizing committee: 

  • Craig Lawrie
  •  Ingo Runkel
  • Volker Schomerus
  • Jörg Teschner


Administrative contact:


Application for this event is currently open.