28–31 Jan 2020
Museum am Rothenbaum
Europe/Berlin timezone

Optimization of the Split-Explicit Time-Stepping Algorithm of MPAS-Ocean

28 Jan 2020, 16:00
Großer Hörsaal (Museum am Rothenbaum)

Großer Hörsaal

Museum am Rothenbaum

Rothenbaumchaussee 64 20148 Hamburg
Talk COMMODORE conference


Siddhartha Bishnu (Florida State University and Los Alamos National Laboratory)


My research involves improving the barotropic-baroclinic splitting of the time-stepping algorithm of the Model for Prediction Across Scales — Ocean (MPAS-Ocean) with a view to improving the numerical stability and solution accuracy while reducing the computational time. More specifically, I have been studying (a) different filters for time-averaging the intermediate instantaneous barotropic modes and including the ‘mean’ solution in the time derivative for the next baroclinic (large) time step, and (b) variations of the forward-backward time-stepping algorithm for advancing these barotropic modes. The primary purpose of the time-averaging filters in (a) is to minimize the aliasing and mode-splitting errors while ensuring the stability of the time-stepping scheme. The forward-backward algorithm in (b) consists of a predictor and an optional corrector stage with a set of weighting parameters, an optimum combination of which can enhance solution accuracy. I have programmed a one-dimensional shallow water equation solver in object-oriented Python for simulating the propagation of a surface gravity wave, where I have tested a number of filters and time-stepping schemes. In this talk, I will compare the efficiency and accuracy of various designs in the simplified code and global MPAS-Ocean simulations.

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Primary authors

Siddhartha Bishnu (Florida State University and Los Alamos National Laboratory) Mark Petersen (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Bryan Quaife (Florida State University)

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