28–31 Jan 2020
Museum am Rothenbaum
Europe/Berlin timezone

Challenges raised by global ocean configurations in the context of climate modelling

31 Jan 2020, 11:00
Großer Hörsaal (Museum am Rothenbaum)

Großer Hörsaal

Museum am Rothenbaum

Rothenbaumchaussee 64 20148 Hamburg
Talk COMMODORE conference


Julie Deshayes (CNRS)


The tuning phase of IPSL-CM6A-LR, a climate model of CMIP6, lasted for 4 years, during which we explored different numerical recipes controlling ocean vertical mixing, among others. Analysis of all simulations is still ongoing, but two lessons can be learned so far. [1] After more than 2,000 yr of integration (using pre-industrial external forcings), the deep ocean has not reached an equilibrium, yet. [2] Sensitivity experiments exploring structural and parametric uncertainties indicate that some intrinsic climatic features of this model are quite robust. Overall, this suggests that we currently have little control on the backbone of numerical oceans.

Do you need an official invitation letter? Yes

Primary author

Julie Deshayes (CNRS)

Presentation materials