Conceptual foundation of machine learning in Engineering using example of tailored laser pulse forming and Optical Mirror Design

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Von-Melle-Park 4

Von-Melle-Park 4



Next generation plasma accelerators require ultrashort laser pulses with tailored pulse characteristics, provided at high-peak and average power.
Advancing the recent method of versatile tuning of wavelength of Ultrashort pulses further promises to open entirely new parameter regimes in particular for high-power ultrafast lasers. The approach relies on nonlinear light-matter interaction of temporally shaped laser pulses. The underlying processes can be optimized by a multitude of control parameters including pulse energy,system size,nonlinear medium characteristics,etc. In particular, pulse-shape characteristics and dispersion properties of the nonlinear system open key control parameter spaces determining the output pulse characteristics.It employs a cavity-like arrangement in which state-of-the-art dispersion-engineered multi-layer-mirror technology can be used as additional tuning knobs, enabling multi-dimensional dispersion tuning for pulse shaping optimization.


Ultrashort Laser
OPtical Mirror Design
Pulse Shaping

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