Mar 14 – 15, 2024
Campus Bahrenfeld
Europe/Berlin timezone

Every year, the Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship is awarded to two outstanding female scientists. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the award, which is why we are delighted to invite you to the anniversary of the Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship Program.

Numerous award winners will be on site for presentations and networking, and participants can also look forward to a program on equal opportunities and career development. The schedule will be updated throughout the registration time. 

This event is child-friendly, you are more than welcome to bring children along. We will provide a space with toys.

For abstracts please refer to the materials section below. This overview is continuously updated .


Campus Bahrenfeld
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Bldg. 99 Luruper Chaussee 149 22607 Hamburg
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