Aug 12 – 16, 2024
Von-Melle-Park 8
Europe/Berlin timezone

Inferring solar differential rotation and viscosity via passive imaging with inertial waves

Aug 12, 2024, 2:30 PM
Seminarraum 207 (Von-Melle-Park 8)

Seminarraum 207

Von-Melle-Park 8

Minisymposium Contribution MS 04: Correlation-based passive imaging and optimal experimental design MS 04: Correlation-based passive imaging and optimal experimental design


Tram Nguyen (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)


The recent discovery of inertial waves on the surface of the Sun offers new possibilities to learn about the solar interior. These waves are long-lived with a period on the order of the Sun rotation period (~27 days) and are sensitive to parameters deep inside the Sun. They are excited by turbulent convection, leading to a passive imaging problem. In this work, we present the forward and inverse problem of reconstructing viscosity and differential rotation on the Sun from cross-covariance observations of these inertial waves.

Primary authors

Tram Nguyen (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research) Prof. Thorsten Hohage Dr Damien Fournier Prof. Laurent Gizon

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