Aug 12 – 16, 2024
Von-Melle-Park 8
Europe/Berlin timezone

General information

The complexity of the problems crucial for understanding the technical, social and, more broadly, systemic challenges related to today's reality, requires the creation and application of appropriate mathematical models and their optimization. Today's world is flooded with an unimaginable amount of data, the usefulness of which depends on the way they are incorporated into mathematical models, which make it possible to explain the nature of the processes and, what is particularly important, to forecast of the future.

The credibility of forecasts is critical for systemic decision-making support, often of a strategic aspect. Without a proven methodology for constructing mathematical models and optimizing them for specific types of applications, it would not be possible to ensure the quality of decisions based on them.

The environmental and climate crisis generate a great class of challenges in this matter, covering the problems of sustainable socio-economic development at all levels, from individual to global. Increasing violent weather phenomena, insufficient efficiency of energy systems, and recently a new scale of epidemic challenges are spectacular examples showing the role of effective management, down to the level of optimal control in close to real time.

IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing) TC-7 (Technical Committee - 7) "System Modeling and Optimization" conferences, grouping the world's most outstanding specialists in this field, have been held for over 50 years. The 31st conference "System Modeling and Optimization" will be held in Hamburg on August 12-16, 2024 (tentative date).

The scope of TC7 consists in computational aspects of optimization problems arising in such areas as Aerospace, Biomedicine, Economics, Meteorology, and Public Services (Health, Environment, Police, Fire, Transportation, etc.). Some specific examples are:

  • on-line and off-line computational techniques in modeling and control of dynamic systems;
  • trajectory analysis and computation;
  • optimization of decentralized systems (macro-economic systems) and systems with multicriteria;
  • optimization of resource allocation in urban systems;
  • optimization of pollution-control systems;
  • optimization of man-machine systems;
  • optimization of power systems operation;
  • risk management in particular in mathematical finance and insurance;
  • development of machine learning techniques;
  • optimization and control under uncertainty;
  • Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Differential (Ordinary and Partial) Equations;
  • Hybrid, Algebraic-Differnetial Equations;
  • Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Parameter Systems;
  • Inverse Problems;
  • Nonlinear, Discrete, and Stochastic Optimization;
  • Computational Optimization;
Von-Melle-Park 8
Von-Melle-Park 8, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
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